Oral Health Related Quality Of Life For Patients Treated With Complete Dentures, Removable And Fixed Partial Dentures

Sanchana, V. B. and Dr. Suresh

AIM: To describe the OHRQoL in patients treated with complete dentures, fixed or removable partial dentures. BACKGROUND: OHRQoL is a relatively new but rapidly growing notion. This concept, is significant in mainly three areas - clinical practice of dentistry, dental research and dental education. These are different approaches in measuring the OHRQoL, the most popular of which uses the multiple item questionnaire. Patients who are either partially or completely edentulous undergo a prosthodontic treatment. OBJECTIVE: To observe the satisfaction and quality of life relating to oral health after prosthodontic treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: OHRQoL was determined using Oral Health Impact Factor for edentulous adults (OHIP - 14) method in a sample of 150 patients treated with complete dentures, fixed and removable partial dentures. A questionnaire was given to the patients before and after the treatment. The data was collected and analysed. CONCLUSION: This study will help us to evaluate OHRQoL for patients treated with complete dentures, fixed or removable partial dentures. There was an improvement after the treatment than when compared to before the treatment.

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