Prevalence Of Anemia And Epidemiological Correlates Among School Going Adolescent Boys Of Vallabh Vidyanagar (Gujarat)

Aishwarya, M. V., Parita Gajjar, D. P., Raykundaliya, Rema S., Patel, V. H. and Neeta, D.

Objective: To study the prevalence of anemia among adolescent boys and correlate the socio-demographic profile with the prevalence. Materials and Method: Cross sectional population (N=500) for the study purpose was taken from schools of Vallabh Vidyanagar. The hemogram reports were assessed by the automated Hematology analyzer from a reputed pathological laboratory of Vallabh Vidyanagar. The statistical analysis was done using the SPSS 15.0 version for windows. Results: About 31.4 % were mildly anemic, 4% were moderately anemic and only 1.6% were severely anemic. In bivariate analysis factors like source of drinking water, symptoms like headache, dizziness etc. type of beverage consumption, consumption of Vit-C rich foods and use of iron supplements showed a significant association (P≤0.05) with anemia. While multiple logistic regression analysis suggested that age (OR=0.719, CI = 0.567-0.911), type of accommodation (OR=3.782, CI=1.255-11.397), source of drinking water (hand-pump), pallor of eyes and pale nails were the most important predictors of anemia. Conclusion: Anemia remains to be a silent monster irrespective of the gender. Awareness programme and educating the adolescents may help to combat the devil bothering the whole world particularly under developed and developing countries.

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