Psychological Impacts Of Implant Patients

Rashika, V.

BACKGROUND: Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involve the scientific study of mental function and behavior. Patient satisfaction and their psychology is related to their personality profiles. Since psychological factor and oral health related quantity of life are related to after and. Enforce dental treatment. (implant placement) AIM AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study is to evaluate patient satisfaction and their oral health related quality of life, after and before the dental treatment (implant placement) MATERIALS AND METHOD: As a convenience sample of patient aged between 22 to 71 years who were partially edentulous and seeking dental implant therapy were selected. The patients were requested to answer the questionnaire - both before and after dental treatment (implant placement). Data will be collected and statistically analyzed. CONCLUSION: This study will help us to evaluate patient satisfaction and oral health related quality of life, before and after dental treatment (implant placement)

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