Radiographic findings associated with impacted third molars

Dr. Sandhya, R. and Dr. Sreedevi Dharman

BACKGROUND: Dental impaction is defined as cessation of eruption of a tooth caused by a clinical or radio graphically detectable physical barrier in the path of eruption or due to ectopic position of the tooth in the jaw. The aim of this study is to assess the pathologies anomalies associated with impacted third molars and is to enlighten the Dental practitioners about the possible pathologies anomalies that might occur associated with impacted third molars so that these problems could be anticipated and detected earlier for a better quality of treatment and prognosis. It also emphasizes on the necessity to extract impacted third molars as soon as they are diagnosed rather than waiting for the symptoms to arise because by the time the symptoms arise, pathological changes would have already set in. MATERIALS AND METHOD: 100 OPGs of patients with impacted tooth/teeth were collected. The OPGs are of patients from different age groups and these are randomised samples. The subjects of the study are out patients of Saveetha Dental College and the patients' radiographs were taken at the same place. RESULTS: Among the 100 OPGs of patients with one or more impacted teeth, it was found that in 51 cases mandibular right third molar(48) was impacted which had the highest occurrence of impaction. Out of 100 cases, 82 cases had radiographic findings associated with the impacted teeth. Incidence of bone loss was found to be highest among the impacted third molars which was 55%. The major pathologies like ameloblastoma and dentigerous cyst was found in 3% which had the least incidence. CONCLUSION: Considering the problems associated with impacted third molars as observed during the study, retention of such impacted teeth may cause serious pathologies and may increase the risk of postoperative complications. Hence it is advisable to treat impactions at an early stage through prompt diagnosis and explaining the patient regarding such complications. And removal of impacted third molars, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic is recommended as early diagnosis may prevent the onset of pathologies.

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