The environmental awareness in Ṛgvedic period

Raghishma, P.M.

Environment is an un avoidable part of human life. The are Vedas gives various references in the environmental protection, ecological balance, weather cycles, rainfall phenomena, hydrologic cycle, etc. The protection of the environment was understood to be closely related to the protection of the heavens and earth. Many of the Ṛgvedic hymns therefore vividly describe the Heaven and Earth together. The Ṛgveda venerates deities like Mitra, Varuṇa, Indra, Maruts and Ᾱditya, that are responsible for maintaining the requisite balance in the functioning of all entities of Nature, whether, mountains, heaven, earth and lakes, the waters and the forests. The Vedic Seers have recognised that the changes caused due to indiscreet human activities could result in imbalances in seasons, rainfall patterns, crops and atmosphere and degrade the quality of water, air, and earth resources. There are many Ṛgvedic hymns are seeking the blessings of the Pañca mahābhūta or five gross elements of Nature: Akāsa, Vāyu, Agni, Ᾱpāḥ, and Prithvi. The People were careful to refrain from activities that could cause harm to Nature's bounties. It was understood that the well-being of Mother Earth depended on the preservation and sustenance of the environment.

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