Peak expiratory flow rate in Indian female classical singers

Dr. Rasika Sunil Shirke and Dr. Ruchita Killedar

Aim: To assess the Peak Expiratory Flow Rate in Indian Female Classical Singers. Need of study: As singers have better respiratory fitness there is need to see whether the peak expiratory flow rate in them is also higher, lower, or the same. Whether, the singing which is an expiratory activity affects expiratory flow rate. Study Design: Cross Sectional Study. Procedure: Ethical approval was taken. Total 101 Indian female classical singers were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Informed consent was obtained. Procedure was explained to them, PEFR was recorded in sitting position, and best of 3 reading were taken. Predicted PEFR were calculated from standard equation and data was analyzed for result. Result: Stastical analysis was done which shows that actual PEFR of female classical singers was more than their predicted value but it was not Stastically Significant. Conclusion: We concluded that the actual PEFR in Indian female classical singers is more than their predicted value and PEFR increases according to the experience of singing.