Social Sciences and Humanities

Heroes in the flames: unveiling the valiant experiences of BFP personnel responding to fire incidents

This study This study explored the experiences of Firefighters in responding to the fire incident at Cabancalan, Mandaue City. In the course of the study, three (3) research problems were answered; namely: (1) What are the challenges encountered by the informants during the said incident; (2) How do the informants address the challenges; and What are the aspirations of the informants? . The chosen respondents for this study were BFP personnel who actively participated in responding to the fire incident that occurred in Cabancalan, Mandaue City on February 11, 2021.

Triumph over domestic violence: abused women’s experiences and coping journey

This study explored the experiences of women who were victims of domestic violence and their coping journey in an abusive relationship. In the course of the study, three (3) research problems were answered; namely: (1) What were the experiences of the informants; (2) What were the effects of violence on the informants; and (3) How did the informants cope with the abusive relationship?. The study involved five women who were victims of domestic violence. They were from Barangay Marigondon, Lapulapu City, Cebu, Philippines.

Examining the effects of the covid-19 pandemic on turkey’s economy with moderation analysis

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected not only the entire world but also the economic indicators and growth rate of Turkey. As a developing economy, Turkey is susceptible to the fluctuations in the value of the United States Dollar (USD), which, in turn, impacts the Turkish Lira (TL) and consequently Turkey's external debt stock.The aim of this study is to reveal whether the USD/TL parity has any moderating effect on Turkey's external debt before and after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Empowering engineering students in india by fostering autonomy in english language learning

Language is a powerful tool for information sharing, catalysing students to evolve into adept global communicators. Learning a new language helps us understand different cultures and ways of life in far-off places. English is a very important language because it's used a lot, and it's like a window that lets us see the whole world. If you're good at speaking English, you can also find more jobs. But sometimes, it's hard for students to take charge of their learning and work well with others. In the past, teachers used to do most of the teaching when it came to English.

Landscapes of memory

Designing the geographical landscape and transforming it into a place that makes a symbolic, religious, or political statement and connects between landscape, culture and politics is known as "landscape reading". Landscapes etched in a person's memory often take on meanings that go beyond the realistic depictions of the landscape itself. The memory experience depends on the age of the individual or on a particular event that communicates the landscape and is imprinted upon the artist’s individual or collective memory.

Economic efficiency of maize production in the context of climate change adaptation in the okpara sub-basin

This study estimates the technical, allocative and economic efficiency of maize-producing farms in Benin and identifies the determining factors of these efficiencies in a context of adaptation to climate change. To achieve this, data was collected from a sample of 402 corn farmers randomly selected from the municipalities most vulnerable to the effects of climate change and located within the Okpara watershed perimeters.

John searle as a practice theoretician

I will research John Searle’s (1) idea of a social causation as a collective intentionality and (according to my understanding) even more important notion of a background. Furthermore, I will compare Searle’s notions of the collective intentionality and the background of the social to Maurizio Ferraris’s (2) notions of a text as a replacement of the collective intentionality. The problems that Ferraris addresses are understood here in terms of practises. In this article I will look at more contemporary debates in social ontology and in a practise approach.

Women's involvement in political governance in the g5 sahel countries: tolerating the indecent gap

It's hard to continue believing that women aren't competent, just as it's absurd to hold the argument that all women are eternally incapable or unconcerned about the need to get involved in order to contribute to political governance. So, it's not uncommon to hear it said that women's low presence and participation in decision-making bodies, including political ones, is due to their unwillingness to get involved.

Understanding and addressing cybersecurity challenges in academic institutions: a comprehensive assessment

The study's objective was to identify and assess unique cybersecurity challenges in academic institutions, including vulnerabilities in interconnected networks and the diverse user base. This study targeted students, faculty members, administration, and IT staff. The study showed that 68% expressed a high or concerned level of cybersecurity worry.

Eficacia de la reanimación con liquidos guiada por delta co2 vs esquema tradicional en pacientes neuroquirurgicos con alto riesgo de sangrado transanestésico

Antecedentes: Una adecuada reanimación hídrica en el paciente neuroquirúrgico, ha demostrado ser un factor relacionado directamente con el desenlace. Existen diferentes métodos y herramientas para guiar la administración de líquidos basado en metas u objetivos, derivado de lo anterior es necesario medir la eficacia y seguridad de la administración de líquidos guiada por Delta CO2 (∆CO2). Estudios reportan que ∆CO2 <6mmHg se correlaciona con mejores resultados. Objetivo.