Impact Of Electroplating Industrial Effluent On The Hematology Of The Fish Catla Catla

Sudhasaravanan, R. and Binukumari, S.

Electroplating is considered a major polluting industry because it discharges toxic materials and heavy metals through wastewater (effluents) in environment. Hematological indices may be considered as stress indicators for estimation of the response reactions of the fish to various environmental conditions. The fish was exposed to different hours (24, 48, 72 and 96) in sub lethal concentration 5% electroplating effluent and parameters like RBC, WBC, HB, MCV, MCH MCHC, PCV has been analyzed. All hematological parameters except WBC were found to be decreased from control and the WBC was increased in all exposure periods indicating that test fish suffered hemolytic anaemia and leucocytosis. Increase in time produced a declining value of RBC, Hb, MCV, MCH and MCHC also exhibit the sub lethal concentrations of the effluent. The present study clearly suggests that the haematological values fluctuate in accordance with the change in the environment

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