Analysis of experiential meaning in dedeng folktale

Dr. Nurlela Nurlela, M. Hum and Disa Andini, S. S.

A text is the representation of human experience created to convey a certain meaning, composed of several elements known as transitivity elements, including process, participant, and circumstance. This study aimed to find out the experiential meaning of Dedeng folktale text. This study was conducted using a descriptive method, taking Dedeng folktale as the central phenomenon to be studied. The data of this study were all clauses in Dedeng folktale, collected using a document method. The data were analyzed using an interactive model and a frequency analysis method that showed the number of occurrences of each transitivity element in the text. The results of this study found that material processis the type of process most frequently used in the text with the percentage of 46.5%. In terms of participants, human participant is most frequently used with the percentage of 74.82%. Meanwhile,circumstance of place dominates the use of circumstances in the text with the frequency of 44.6%. It is concluded that Dedeng folktale is a text that highlights actions performed by the character in the story.

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