Health Sciences

Analyses on lymph nodes metastases pattern and factors related to survival after thoracic esophageal cancer surgery: a systematic literature review

Objective: To investigate the clinicopathological factors for thoracic esophageal cancer after radical esophagectomy, and provide the criteria to outline the target volume for adjuvant radiotherapy. Methods: Data from 803 patients with thoracic esophageal cancer who underwent radical esophagectomy between January 2014 and December 2018 were reviewed. The lymph nodes metastases and the clinicopathological factors for esophageal cancer were stratified by univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses.

Postoperative monitoring of microvascular free flaps

Introduction: Microvascular free flaps are a reconstructive option that allows the treatment of large and complex defects. Normally the loss of free flaps is due to arterial or venous compromise, that´s why adequate flap postoperative monitoring is essential and allows to identify vascular compromise, and perform a timely surgical reintervention, in order to achieve the salvage of the flap.

Differences in quadriceps and hamstring strength among college students

Introduction: Strength of the quadriceps and hamstring of a person is determined by individual gender, age and individuals physical activity. There seems to be a difference in strength of quadriceps and hamstring in male and female but no study has been done to study the same. Hence this study Aims to find out the difference between strength of quadriceps and hamstring Muscle among college students.

Effectiveness of glass carbomer cement in class ii restorations in primary molars (arandomized controlled clinical trial)

Introduction: Nanofilled glass ionomer cementemerged as a new generation of dental materials, which mineralizes gradually into fluorapatite to improve the compressive strength and wear resistanceof class II restorations in primary molars. The purpose of this study wasto evaluate clinically the effectiveness of glass carbomer cement with surface coatas class II restorations in primary molars in comparison to both of Ketac N 100 glass ionomer cement with surface coat and conventional glass ionomer cement with surface coat (Equia Fill).

Efficacy of a video-assisted teaching program on the effects of selfie-taking behavior and its impact on health on nursing students at hillside college of nursing in Bangalore

Background: Smart phones are no longer only a communication device but serve as a substitute for the home computer and have internet related access as well as a camera that with its high resolution now substitutes the camera we call it as “Selfie camera”. Selfie have now become a major trend and smart phone manufacturers are ensuring that they provide good front cameras in phone and technology is adapting this social trend of self portraits to rule the world.

Meta-analysis of vep vs subjective visual acuity: the correct parameter for ‘effect size’

Regression analysis has been employed previously to express Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) VA in terms of its subjective equivalent. Bland-Altman analysis was also used in the modelling process to check for good agreement between test methods before deriving the regression equation. However, application of these methods to the full range of electrophysiological/subjective VA comparisons resulted in few making the cut for full analysis. This article considers the statistical parameters that were used in the past, and how they could be relaxed to increase inclusion in meta-analysis.

Sense of thanatological anxiety in the group of vaccinated and unvaccinated people against covid-19

The topic of the work is "The feeling of thanatological anxiety in the group of people vaccinated and not vaccinated against COVID-19". (In a randomly selected group - Poland). Aim of the study of the attempt to examine thanatological anxiety in a group of people who have undergone vaccination and those who have not decided to vaccinate Study group N = 250 (randomly selected group). The theoretical assumption was based on the thanatological theories that link situations of danger with the emergence of fear of Heath. The work presents the hypotheses: 1.

Impactos das fintechs sobre o mercado bancário: um estudo sociológico sobre a reorganização das instituições financeiras

O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar o Mercado Bancário Brasileiro, identificar e analisar a partir da abordagem sociológica estrutural dos mercados os padrões de relacionamento entre seus principais atores, e entre as instituições bancárias tradicionais brasileiras e as empresas de tecnologias financeiras (Fintechs). A hipótese geral foi inspirada na teoria da estrutura social dos mercados de Harrison White.

Post-covid syndrome: a new concept of rehabilitation

PandemicCOVID-19 beat every human body system leading to multi-organ disorders impacting medical, health care, socioeconomic and overall quality of life in every country. After recovery from acute infection, a significant number of the population develop persistent signs and symptoms lastingmore than three months or more termed a post-COVID syndrome (PCS), persisted post-COVID syndrome (PPCS), and long COVID.

Precision public health an indian perspective – Rapid review

Dental public health has long focused on traditional oral health promotion and disease prevention strategies as the basis of community oral health programs. ‘Precision’ public health (PPH) is conceptualised as a means of improving population health through the use of new technologies, particularly genomics and digital, which would guide public health practice by generating more individually tailored interventions and policies.