Health Sciences

Artículo de investigación: cribado de escoliosis: factores asociados y repercusiones en la vida cotidiana de una población escolar mexicana.

Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de escoliosis, factores asociados y repercusiones en la calidad de vida de una población escolar mexicana de Veracruz, Veracruz en Diciembre del 2021. Métodos: Se reclutaron 300 alumnos (161 masculinos y 139 femeninos) de 11 a 14 años de edad.

Overuse injuries: effect of kinesio-taping on shoulder pain in adolescents swimmers

Background: Swimmer’s shoulder pain is one of the most common injuries in elite swimmers; it is estimated that up to 65% of competitive swimmers will experience a problem with their shoulders at some point in their careers. In general, suffering a shoulder injury can affect the shoulder joint’s stability and mobility, and can affect the overall performance of swimmer athletes. Aim of the study: The study aimed at investigating the effect of Kinesio-taping on shoulder pain in the rehabilitation of adolescent swimmers with shoulder overuse injuries.

Effectiveness of physiotherapeutic exercises in pre prosthetic and prosthetic phase in lower limb amputee patients: systematic review

Background and objectives: Amputation is defined as an irreversible surgical act where total or partial removal of a body limb is done through one or more bones. It is said that the most frequent reasons are traumatic, oncologic and vascular. When people suffer from this type of process, they lose physical capacity which generates a decrease in their ability to ambulate and perform daily activities. The physiotherapeutic process in lower limb amputations is aimed at the recovery and functional retraining of ambulation to generate the greatest possible independence.

Leptin and ghrelin response to aerobic exercises in post-colectomy patients

Background:Patients post colectomy experience a substantial decline fitness level and quality of life. As obesity is one of the most important risk factors for colorectal cancer, studies show that aerobic exercises and weight loss program will result in reduction of leptin and increase of ghrelin in patients with colorectal cancer. Objectives: was to investigate plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations in male patients with colorectal cancer post colectomy after 8 weeks of aerobic exercise and a week of detraining.

Bacteriocins: potential usages and mechanism of action

Bacteriocin has established significant efficacy as a therapeutic agent. Its discovery has been a breakthrough in the combat against antibiotic resistance, which includes both multidrug-resistant and chronic bacterial infections. They are mainly bactericidal, antibiotic-like compounds produced by many bacteria that kill strains of the same or nearly related species and are differ from other (classical) antibiotics due to their restricted specificity of action and protein composition.

Fasd; A regimenal therapy in alleviating the pain of sciatic neuralgia: A case study

Sciaticais acondition characterized by sharppain originating in the lumbar region and extends down the postero-lateral aspect of the leg/thigh, often radiating to the foot or ankle. It affects around 13% to 40% population. Its etiology is believed to be multifactorial, mostly resulting from lumbosacral intervertebral disc herniation.

Effect of high tone therapy on selective kidney functions in hemodialysis patients

Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the progressive deficiency of renal function that reach life threatening stage. Aim of Study: This study was be conducted to investigate the therapeutic effectiveness of High Tone Therapy (HTT) on selective kidney functions in hemodialysis patients. Subjects and Methods: Forty CKD patient received hemodialysis three times per week participated in this study and were recruited from the Nephrology and hemodialysis Unit at Cairo University hospital (kasr Al-ainy). Their ages ranged from 45 to 60 years old.

Glaucoma asociado a partículas del cristalino secundario a capsulotomía fáquica iatrogénica bilateral: reporte de un caso lens-particle glaucoma due to bilateral iatrogeniccapsulotomy: a case report

Objetivo: Reportar un caso de glaucoma asociado a partículas de cristalino posterior a una capsulotomía fáquica YAG láser bilateral, en paciente con supuesto antecedente de cirugía por catarata congénita. Observaciones: Paciente femenino quién acude a consulta por baja visual y dolor ocular bilateral 15 días posteriores a la aplicación de YAG láser.

Surgical solution and clinical results in a young american football athlete with acute post-traumatic compartment syndrome

We present the case of a 15 year old boy, athlete and American football player, who after receiving a contusion with the helmet of a player from the opposing team on his right thigh, began with sudden and disabling pain, however, despite of the initial anti-inflammatory treatment with physical measures and once the presence of femoral fracture and hematoma had been ruled out, it persisted with symptoms highly suggestive of compartment syndrome.

Miocardiopatía de takotsubo: reporte de un caso

Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy (aka Stress-induced cardiomyopathy) is characterized by a regional, usually transitory systolic disfunction of the left ventricle which is clinically difficult to differentiate from an acute myocardial infarction with no angiographic evidence of acute coronary obstruction. It occurs in approximately 1-2% of patients with probable myocardial infarction with troponin elevation.